Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Long Time in the Making...

Well it has been about 7 months since I have last updated....sorry about that...life has been kind of crazy and what not. Apparently that happens when you grow up. Go figure. A lot of things have happened in the last 7 months. I will try and fill you in on most of it...

In May I got my first tattoo. =) It is on my left foot and it is an ichthus with the Greek letters IXOYE which means Jesus Christ God's Son Savior. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. The part that hurt the most was the tail because it is right on the bone. Part of it actually tickled and I laughed and Jason (the guy who did it) told me to stop laughing and hold still. Stephanie & Anna went with me and Anna took pictures and Steph held my hand when I needed her too. They make good best friends =) My mom of all people actually wants one now...I inspired her =) what can I say I'm a trend setter. However, when people tell you they are addicting, they are right. I am ready for my next one. I have the idea I just need someone to draw it up. I want to incorporate the letters A L J into a dragonfly. They are me, my sister, and my brothers first initials.

I have also gotten closer to one of my friends, Sam. He is a great guy and has always been there for me through a lot of tough times. He always has my back no matter what and will tell me if I'm being stupid about something. I feel I can talk to him about anything and know that he is always there. He knows the same goes for me as well. We are besties and will forever be no matter what!

I bought a new car this summer too. That was my biggest purchase of life so far. It is an 06 blue Saturn Ion. It is a very nice car and is good on gas. The best part...it has 4 working speakers :) God totally worked that situation out though and that's who all the praise goes to. I am very

I have moved to Greentown and am enjoying every minute of it. It is peaceful in the new house, a peace you can feel. I don't dread coming home anymore to worry about what kind of mood someone might be in and if they will be on a tyraid and take it out on us. That is a great feeling to not feel tension and stress anymore and not have to walk on egg shells. This house was an answered prayer. There are only a few more boxes to be unpacked which makes me happy because our house is now a home and the last piece of furniture (sofa) is yet to arrive :( hopefully soon though.

School starts next Monday (24th) and I am kind of freaking out about it. I apply to the Radiography program this December. They only allow 12 people and I don't feel I will get in. My goal for this semester is to make the Dean's List to somehow prove to the board that I am worthy of being in their program. God has brought me this far and worked other school things out and I keep praying for His will so I don't know why I doubt myself. I am taking math, anatomy lab and lecture (get to dissect the cat again), philosophy of ethics, psychology of personality and folklore. Hope it all works out. I will have a new anatomy prof because the one I had last semester well he got himself into a little trouble down in Louisiana. I didn't like him from the start and it is sad to know that I actually had reason to think he was creepy. He got arrested for child solicitation on the internet. Sad and disgusting.
My brother and sister are growing up fast. They are both driving now and he is a sophomore and she is a junior. This fall they are playing Volleyball and football for North Miami. My sister and I have become quite close and we are basically best friends, my brother and I are close too but he is going through his teenage boy stage and being stupid. He needs skooled on some things.

My Grandma Watson is improving from where she has been. She was in Lebanon for colon surgery and had complications with that which led to infection and she wears a colostomy now. We almost lost her a couple times but boy is she a fighter...maybe I get some of that from her. However she does have an inoperable mass on her left temporal lobe and we do not, or I do not, know whether it is malignant or benign.
My Nanny is slowly improving from her pinched & damaged nerve in her neck and shoulder girdle (clavicle) area. She is in phyiscal therapy and will hopefully regain the use of her left hand. It is sad to watch someone who has enjoys doing counted cross stitch, knitting, crocheting and other sewing things to not be able to do it anymore.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A small UPDATE...

My second semester at IUK has started. It's going ok, some classes are boring, Math, and some are pretty interesting, Anatomy. Yes, I did take Anatomy at IWU but it wouldn't transfer here so I am retaking it :(. We are dissecting cats this semester and we get them Feb 10. That should be fun, dissecting has always been fun for me, except I learned that the cats come with fur and we have to skin them :( sad day. I'm an animal lover and the fur was the icing on the cake.
I am still working at Cracker Barrel, looking for another job so either I can peace out of CB or supplement my income. Not sure, I will just have to let that one play out.
Things are changing in my household as some of you may know. Mom and I will be furniture shopping in the near future for our new house. Please keep us in your prayers, the next 4 months are going to be long and trying not only on our patience but our sanity.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

'Tis The Season....

Christmas is almost here! Unbelievable! Where has the time gone? I can say that I have just about all my shopping done, I did it the easy way. My work has employee appreciation days 2x a year where the employees get an extra percentage off their employee discount. And I used one of them for Christmas shopping and got almost everything from my work, except things I had already gotten. I only have a copuple things left to get and they will be easy.
Since Christmas is right around the corner, 11 days to be exact, that means that finals have started, will start or are over for some of you. Good luck to those who haven't taken yours yet and good job to those who have. My finals start Monday and will end Wednesday. I think my math final will be the toughest because math has never been on my side but I plan on working the problems until I understand them. Tonight we have a review session that I am going to because I'm pretty sure it wont hurt and I might learn something. Haha
School this semester has been tough, especially Physics but I started understanding it more the later the semester got, plus our final is open book open notes which is AMAZING!!! I am very thankful for that.
I have taken my resume and availability to Body Unlimited Fitness and right now all his positions are filled and he is waiting to see what the auto industry does. Please pray that God's will be done with a job for me there or somewhere else. I would really like to get out of CB but if God wants me there I will stay, but it's tough and I'm tired of that place. (Anna I think you understand me on this one lol.)
Corey and I are doing great. I am the happiest I have been in a LLLLOOOONNNNGGGG time, maybe ever. It is the best relationship and I say that because we are actually keeping God centered and doing it His way, not saying that God wasn't in my past relationships but this one is just different. I am sure you understand. :-\ He is a great guy and makes me happy and I make him happy which is important in a relationship.
Please continue to pray for my mom and I as things will be happening at the turn of the season. Thank you! God is good and will provide everything for us. I have faith! Home is a little more tense it seems but I have told myself and felt in my heart that I am taken care of, God will not let me be tempted past my ability of resisting, yes it is tough when Satan attacks but I have it in my mind that if people on earth want to treat me like that, that's ok because one day they will have to stand for judgement and I would not want to have judgement like that. I know I will stand there one day as well but I am trying to lead by example and pray that He will be reflected out of me and my actions, words, thoughts, etc. reflect Him. I want to be more like him everyday. I love my Jesus!
My grandparents are taking in a little kitten, his name is George and he is adorable. Tiger striped. He has been at our house for about a week because he has had a respiratory infection and been on antibiotics. We wanted him to be completely better before we took him back to my grandparents so if he needs to go to the vet he can go immediately and we wouldn't have to drive up there and decide. He is about 6-8 weeks old and acts just like a baby. He will come to you and cry if he is hungry or if he is tired and wants to be fed. He likes playing with Sadie (dog) and Callie (cat), however Callie's maternal instincts have kicked in even though he is not hers, and she thinks he need about a dozen baths a day. George doesn't like it but sometimes he doesn't fight back its funny.
My sister has her license! :-O I can't believe it, she is growing up fast! My brother will be the next one. We have all gotten closer as we have gotten older even though we don't live together. I am very glad to have them and be as close as we are.
I think that is about all, hope this finds you all well and ready for Christmas.
Please remember why we celebrate Christmas and never let the Christmas or Salvation story get "old" to you. :-)
God Bless!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Day...Give Thanks...

Tomorrow is the day. It is Thanksgiving, also known as Turkey day. What are you thankful for? We all have been blessed and should be thankful for something. Be at least thankful that you are a child of God and He calls you friend. He shed his blood for you so you do not have to spend eternity in damnation. His mercies are new every morning and He gives you new blessings every day. Be blessed and give thanks!
Corey and I will be going to the Watson Thanksgiving at my Aunt Joanie's and then later come back to my house for the Talbert Thanksgiving. MMMM Good food!
The day after Thanksgiving is usually when people get up at ungodly hours to go stand in line for merchandise that the store only ordered ten of so you are out of luck either way. Just wait....it will come on the next truck. I know that ruins all the fun. Sorry, but 4:30ish is way to early, unless its for vacation. HAHA.
However, this year the day after Thanksgiving is my birthday! :-D I will be 23. I don't know why I'm excited because its not a big one anymore. But none the less I am.
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday. Much Love!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

One Semester Down....

I am about finished with my first semester at IUK. I will be applying for the Radiography program even though I am not expecting to get in because I have to retake Anatomy and my math and science GPA is not there yet. Close but not quite. My advisor told me to go ahead and apply though, so I have to get in two job shadowing days and write an essay and send it in.
Work is work. Drama seems to be creeping in all the time. I am sick of it and sick of the issues we have. I am taking my resume to Body Unlimited Fitness, the manager there knows my advisor at IUK and even though he doesn't have an opening right now he said he would keep me in mind when and if something opens up. I just want to use my HPW degree and get out of the Barrel.
Home is home. I feel like I am being tested all the time when I am around Marty. He asks the same questions day after day week after week. The answers are not going to change. I am trying to lead by example because he needs Jesus. It is easier said than done. I pray for strength and try not to let Satan get me down. I am blessed to be surrounded by friends and a great boyfriend who support me and help me out. Thanks guys you are great! I ask that you continue to pray for my mom and I and for Marty's salvation. Even my worst enemy I would not want to see go to Hell and suffer that horrid death and torture. Heaven is the only way!
I worked the polls on election day. That was interesting. We had people lined up about 30 min before we were even opened. I enjoyed the people I worked with, some of which I worked with in the spring others I knew from other places. Sad about the outcome, and scared for our country. I pray that God will bless this country and I pray for our President Elect.
I do believe winter may have arrived earlier than we wanted it to. :-( Being cold is not fun but after 22 years of living in Indiana you learn to deal with it. haha

Monday, September 29, 2008

well i am in the full swing of school and it's wierd because i don't live on a college campus. i find myself at home finding other things to do rather than the studying or homework i should be doing. that is a reason why i didnt go home when i went to iwu, because i dont get things done. well i cant procrastinate because we all know where that gets you. :-) school is good physics is my most difficult class but i HAVE to get through it. my goal is to get A's in my medical terminology, computer and math class so that the C i get in physics wont hurt my gpa as much. i heard that IUPUI doesnt take that many people into their programs so i need to do as well as possible. if i dont get in next fall i will be looking for a better job, still hoping and looking to find one with my hpw degree in the area, so that i can pay my bills. :-( God is good and He will provide and I will keep searching.
the weather has been marvelous has it not? you can sit outside with or without a hoodie and its great! plus i can still wear my flip flops, but come on those of you that know me, when did cold ever stop me from wearing them lol.
one of my best friends from high school that i am still pretty close to just got engaged about two weeks ago. i am REALLY happy for her and drew. and my dear friend anna is helping her save money :-D GO ANNA! so this past weekend i went down to see her and we went to the IMA gardens and her sister did her engagement pictures. steph has 2 cats that she treats like children and so she thought it would be a great idea to take them with us. well....i bet you can imagine how that went. cats dont like being on leashes and harnesses very well, nor do they like walking, or being outside since they are indoor. maverick hid under every tree possible when we stopped and flattened himself to the ground so it was very difficult to pick him up. soumia on the other hand sort of walked occasionally and she didnt hide. the cats were miserable and dirty and it made for a very long tiring day. the pictures turned out great however.
things at home are getting a little confusing....just pray. :-/
well i think that is about all, i better get ready to go to class....

Friday, August 8, 2008

The older you get the faster time goes! The summer is almost over. I am registered to start school August 25 and have got my books. Buying books is so expensive even when they are used.
Tomorrow one of my really good friends gets married!!! I am happy for her!!! They are going to have a beautiful marriage!!!
This summer has been crazy busy it seems. I have worked at the Treasurers Office to help with the property taxes getting mailed out and coming in. And have been working at Cracker Barrel as well.
Please keep me and my mom in your prayers because we are going through some stuff in our family. I know God will bless us and provide everything we need. I just pray that she will stay strong and her faith will increase. Hard times are ahead but I know we will make it through. She has done it before, when she was a single mom, granted things were cheaper then but I know we can do it again! God is great!
Katie and I went to see Miranda Lambert in concert at the Jay County Fair. She puts on an AMAZING show!!!! If you like country I recommend seeing her! Also that weekend we had Anna's bachelorette party. That was fun!
This week I am chillin at my dad's with my family. Just drivin to work when I have to.